Grants & Awards


R01ES031074 (Herting)

Urban air pollution and neurobehavioral trajectories in the ABCD Study

R01 ES032295 (Herting)

The role of air pollution in emotional neurodevelopment and risk for psychiatric disorders

RFA 18-2 (Herting)

Health Effects Institute
Air pollution exposure and prefrontal connectivity in early adolescence

U01 DA041048 (Sowell/Herting, MPI)

ABCD-USA Consortium: Research Project Site at CHLA


Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award

Health Effects Institute
Awarded as a new, creative investigator to pursue research on the health effects of air pollution 

Rose Hills Foundation Innovation Grant (Herting)

Rose Hills Foundation
Air pollution exposure and neurocognition in young adults from the Children’s Health Study


DORI Team Grant (Herting)

USC Diabetes & Obesity Research Institute
Brain-behavioral risk factors for childhood obesity

P30ES007048-23S1 (Gilliland)

Air pollution exposure, neighborhood social characteristics, and neurocognitive development in adolescents


Data Science RoAD-Trip Award

NIH Big Data to Knowledge
Award to gain Machine Learning experience at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, WA to 

R03 HD090308 (Herting)

The role of androgens in amygdala subnuclei development across human adolescence

SC-CTSI Pilot Grant (Herting)

Near-roadway air pollution and brain-behavior risk factors for obesity in young adults


K01 MH108761 (Herting)

The influence of fetal testosterone on emotional processing, amygdala neurocircuitry, and risk for affective disorders

A Special Thanks!

Thank you to all of our funding agencies for their commitment to brain research to improve
 child and adolescent health.
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